Wednesday 15 July 2009

You have to fight for everything

A thought which has been lingering with me for a while is that the work vs church vs social life vs wifey-time vs spending-time-with-God balance is one which is in constant conflict. And the reason for this is as follows:

"Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it ... by the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground."
Genesis 3: 17-19

It's the dreaded Genesis 3 curse! Everything beneath you is cursed. Literally everything you try to do is like pushing a boulder up a hill. It's really hard work; one slip and it rolls back and crushes you.

If you could identify the biggest threats to your walk with God, busyness would definitely be at the top of mine. But life is busy, basically, because it's constant toil. And the reason it's toil is because God made it that way when we sinned.

But it must be fair to say that God knew that, and he decided to do it anyway.

So there must be some sort of purpose to this constant struggle, and the need to fight for quiet times, prayer, reading etc. Perhaps to reveal our true priorities, to separate the wheat from the chaff, and those that really love God.

hmmmm..... just a thought.

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