Friday 24 July 2009

The infectious nature of sin

"A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough."
Galations 5:9

Musing on the infectious nature of sin, are we ever really aware of how much our actions are reproduced in others? Like shouting in a valley, the noise travels forward, bouncing from wall to wall as it goes. Our sin echos through our friends, family, co-workers, and then onto complete strangers.

Or perhaps it's like a stack of dominoes. As one falls, it makes a contact with the next, causing that one to topple over. The chain continues on and on.

It's like we're so focused on ourselves that we don't notice the outward effect of sin. We think it's our struggle, our own fight, and it starts and ends with us. In reality, it's not just ourselves we're fighting for, but the repercussion of struggles and actions that emanate.

Could the reverse also be true? Could the man who rigorously pursues God, resists evil and sets about the Lord's work, infectiously strike up similar actions and reactions in those around him?

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