Monday 20 July 2009

Calvinism vs Arminianism... meh!

"If I am asked what is my creed, I reply, "It is Jesus Christ" ... Jesus, who is the sum and substance of the Gospel, who is in Himself all theology, the incarnation of every precious truth, the all-glorious personal embodiment of the way, the truth and the life."
Charles H. Spurgeon

I like that. Although it's definitely good to have opinions and give things careful thought, mind-blowing subjects like predestination should never divide us. Are you a Calvinist or an Armenian? Surely the answer is neither. Neither of those two names are in the Bible. The name "Christ" is though. So maybe that's a good name to be associated with.

Interesting, I recently learnt that Jacobus Arminius was John Calvin's son-in-law, and considered Calvin's teachings to be the greatest outside of the New Testament. So where's the big divide?

1 comment:

  1. I think 'Once Saved Always Saved?' (calv- yes. amern- no) is the biggest debate amoungst Christians at the moment.

    Infact I was discussing it with some friends last night!!

    What is so difficult is that there are good bible verses and good bible teachers who are on both side of this 'big divide'.

    I think it's an important issue that needs discussion, but as you say- it shouldn't divide us.
