Sunday 27 March 2011

Prayer Problem-Solving

"If we turn on our television set and it does not work, we do not declare that there are no such things as electronic frequencies in the air or on the cable. We assume something is wrong, something we can find and correct. We check the plug, switch, circuitry until we discover what is blocking the flow of this mysterious energy that transmits pictures. We know the problem has been found and fixed by seeing whether or not the TV works. It is the same with prayer. We can determine if we are praying correctly if the request comes to pass. If not, we look for the 'block'; perhaps we are praying wrongly, perhaps something within us needs changing, perhaps there are new principles of prayer that need to be learned, perhaps patience and persistence are needed. We can listen, make the necessary adjustments, and try again. We can know that our prayers are being answered as surely as we know the television set is working."
Celebration Of Discipline, Richard Foster, p47-8

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