Monday 13 February 2012

A Few Notes On Forgiveness

"When people say, I know God forgives me, but I can't forgive myself,' they mean that they have failed an idol, whose approval is more important to them than God's."
Original quote: Tim Keller, Counterfeit God's, p148
Read in: Redemption by Mike Wilkerson, p79

"As David Powlison says, "So often when people feel remorse for what they've done wrong, it is a remorse against their idealised self-image, a remorse in their own eyes, and a remorse against what other people think about them," not remorse for what they've done in God's eyes."
Read in: Redemption by Mike Wilkerson, p79

"It is the height of self-centredness to think your sin somehow offends you (or anyone else, even) more than it offends God."
Redemption by Mike Wilkerson, p79

" may feel unforgiven because you haven't honestly confessed your sin to God. In this case, you feel unforgiven because—in a sense—you are unforgiven. As Wolf says: "Without confession I will remain unforgiven—not because Gd doesn't forgive, but because a refusal to confess is a rejection of forgiveness. Refusing to confess, I refuse to make forgiveness my own through confession of wrongdoing and joyful gratitude over it not being counted against me."
Redemption by Mike Wilkerson, p79
Free of Charge by Volf, p154

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