Sunday 14 November 2010

A Thought on Fasting

I've always thought that fasting was purely to show God you're serious about some particular matter, and to free up time cooking and eating meals. I'm sure this is all true, but it also appears there are numerous health benefits –  basically a rest and a revamp for your digestive system, cleansing out the toxic substances stored in the body. It can reset your body clock, give your body extra energy for healing and restoring itself. Interestingly, it can also increase your mental clarity.

According to "it's a great tactic for mental and spiritual rejuvenation because it forces focus on important thoughts and frees the mind from everyday clutter. When you are deprived of nutrients, your body – in survival mode – begins to focus on things of true importance."

So it could well be that some fasts (probably shorter ones) could give you a mental lift needed for prayer, making them sharper and more effective. It also reminds you that you're human, frail and temporary.

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