Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Pursuit of Holiness (Part 4)

Some wise words from J.I. Packer on the subject of holiness:

"Personal holiness is an issue for every believer without exception. I am really expected to be so much like Jesus Christ that others will know at once and unmistakably that I am a Christian."
p19, J.I. Packer, Great Joy.

"Believers are positionally holy (separated by God for himself) from the word "go." Their obligation to practice moral and spiritual holiness on a day-to-day basis is derived from that fact. Our setting ourselves apart for God, in purpose separation from the world, the flesh, and the devil, is our proper response—our only proper response—to the knowledge that God has already claimed us by right of redemption."
p19, J.I. Packer, Great Joy.

"Holiness of life is not precisely a human achievement, however much it demands of human effort. It is a work of the Holy Spirit, who prompts and energizes the human effort as part of it. We do not sanctify ourselves."
p19-20, J.I. Packer, Great Joy.

"Self-reliance is not the way of holiness, but the negation of it. Self-confidence in the face of temptation and conflicting pressures is a sure guarantee that some sort of moral failure will follow."
p20, J.I. Packer, Great Joy.

Joy Blocker

A couple of lines from J.I. Packer in his book 'Great Joy' that got me thinking:

"Fifth, the practice of joy means losing your inhibitions. Some of us are so emotionally frozen that we never get close to anyone, and feel paralyzed with embarrassment when urged to loosen up. Inner restraints of this kind block out joy in our relationships both with other people (even our nearest and dearest) and with God."

It's very easy if you're a bit of an introvert and a bit reserved (like myself) to just think 'that's the way God made me' and sort of nullify any need to push through your inhibitions. But these lines of text do reveal their tendency to block out some very positive emotions. They can put a false ceiling in place, and a shallow foundation. The great heights and depths of joy are beyond our grasp when we let our inhibitions dominate. We should be seeking to push that ceiling up, dig that foundation down, even if it's just little by little.