"He was feeling more and more that the prayers of God's people were what called down blessing on the work. It didn't matter whether those people were directly engaged in the work or not."
"Because of this, James saw that Christians at home could do as much for foreign mission as those actually on the field. 'I believe it will only be known on the Last Day how much has been accomplished in missionary work by the prayers of earnest believers at home.'"
"He had come to see that in past years he had wasted much time praying prayers that were not effective at all. Praying without faith was 'like trying to cut with a blunt knife — much labour is expended to little purpose.' The work accomplished by labour in prayer depended on faith. 'According to your faith,' not labour, 'be it unto you.'"
'The wonderful promise of John 15:7 is prefixed by a far-reaching 'if'. I wonder if that verse might not be paraphrased; "If ye abide NOT in Me and My words abide NOT in you; DO NOT ask whatsoever ye will for it shall NOT be done unto you."'
"Over and over again James was to realise the uselessness of human effort on its own. He could work himself into the ground and have no effect on the people."
"I use to think that prayer should have the first place and teaching the second. I now feel that prayer should have the first, second and third place and teaching the fourth."
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